Sunday, April 19, 2009

Everything I learned about being a minister, I learned in the bar...

I must admit, I have never been much of a bar person. It's one of those things since I never really developed a taste for beer.

This is interesting, because much of my "good ministry" happens in a bar. There is a bar in the Tenderloin that has an established relationship with the Night Ministry that I stop into at least twice during my work week. To protect the anonymity of the patrons, I will call it the 7 Up Lounge.

It's interesting that I feel completely at ease at the 7 Up Lounge, and yet over the years I have not been at ease in bars. However, everything I have needed to know about being a good night minister, I have learned from hanging out at the 7 Up Lounge.

1. No matter how ineffectual it may feel, showing up on a consistent basis to a location does good; familiarity breeds comfort.

2. Lingering is your friend. It is good to show one's face in a spot on a regular basis, but one needs to linger as well. Over time, I have made it a point to learn the names and the frameworks of people's stories.

3. No matter how uncomfortable it may feel, conversations about politics can be good things. There is a guy at the 7 Up Lounge who has baited me into political discussions, but I have found out over time it was his way of learning if he could trust me. Since then, he has asked me for advice on some of life's questions.

4. Sip the orange juice slowly. Restrooms are closed at night.

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